Need a pair of eyes to check your writing before you send it out to your readers?

If there are likely to be inconsistencies, errors or repetition in your written work, it can be a good idea to have it checked by an editor.

I can help to get your text into shape before it reaches your audience, from short one-page documents to long reports or PhD theses.

Eyeline Editing is a sole trader editing/writing service run by Merran Laver, who has long-term experience working with the written word in the health and medical fields, as well as in a diversity of other disciplines, such as science, education and visual arts.

If you are seeking an editor to:

For quotes or other enquiries about editing or writing work please use the form highlighted below.

Please contact Merran to find out more,
for a quote on a job, or for a sample edit
via the
Contact form.